To qualify for FREE ThickenUP® Clear samples, you need to be a healthcare professional or have consulted with a healthcare professional who has assessed your swallowing and has recommended that you thicken your fluids to an IDDSI level 2 (mildly thick), 3 (moderately thick) or 4 (extremely thick).
Healthcare professionals can assist individuals in receiving a sample kit by completing the required fields with the individual's shipment address and contact information.
Note: the program allows one sample kit per address.
Each ThickenUp Clear sample kit includes:
- Three (3) sachets of 1.4 g of ThickenUp Clear that can be used to thicken drinks or foods.
- Coupons for ThickenUp Clear which can be redeemed at major retail pharmacies.
For any questions regarding the ThickenUP Clear free sampling program, please contact your Nestlé Health Sciences Sales representative, or contact Nestlé Health Science Customer Services at 1 800 565-1871.
Sample kits are available for Canadian shipping addresses only. Limit of one (1) sample kit per household.